How To Play

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All right, so now you've Installed EmuVR, added your games, and maybe even Customized your bedroom and labels. Well, let's play!

We may have a raw Controls page, but that doesn't actually teach you how to play and interact with things.

How to choose a game? How do you start a game? How do you control a game? What else can you do?

This page will teach you the ropes.

The Basics

You can play with hand controllers, Xbox 360/One controllers, and keyboard + mouse.

You're free to move around, grab and throw objects, and interact with them using your fingers or the Pointer.

In EmuVR you'll be switching between two control modes:

To play a game, you'll simply grab the cartridge/CD, insert it into the respective system, attach the cable to the TV, press the little virtual power button (with your finger or with other button shortcuts) to switch it on, than switch input to the game and play to your heart's content. You can have multiple systems running at the same time.

When playing your games, you can still use your hand controllers buttons to control them if you don't want to use your Xbox 360/One controller or KB+M.

Don't forget you can also play videos.

If your game cartridge/CD, console or TV of choice isn't already in the room, you can bring the Inventory Menu to spawn it, or any other object you want.

You can always change the time of day and switch the lights. Try playing at night, in the dark, when the lighting comes only from your TVs!

The Pointer

To interact with some objects from far away, hold the Pointer Button, and a laser pointer will beam out of your hand.

You can point it to interactable objects to highlight them, and then press another contextual button to perform specific actions that will be explained in the sections below.

If you're not using hand controllers (or are in Desktop mode), the crosshair in the center of your vision will act as the pointer for most of those actions.

Moving Yourself

Besides walking in real life if you have the space, by default you can use Teleport. You also have the option to Toggle Teleport Mode. When teleport mode is disabled, you'll move like in an FPS game. If you're using a keyboard, you'll always be able to use both Teleport and Locomotion, no need to toggle it.

You can also use Snap Turn if you're sitting on a chair or just don't want to rotate your real body too much.

Grabbing Objects

Using your Hands

If you're using your hands in VR, you just need reach for an object until it gets highlighted, which means you can then grab it with your hand controller Grab/Grip Button. You can now release or throw it like in real life. (Don't punch your IRL friends)

If you hold the Grab/Grip Button without grabbing an object, you'll close your hand. Doing this will enable the physical colliders on your hand, so you'll be able to push and punch objects.

Distance Grab

If you're feeling lazy and don't want to crouch to grab an object on the floor, or you need something right now that's too far away, you can point to it and press the Distance Grab button. It will fly right into you hand. Use the Force.

Using your Gamepad / Keyboard

If you're using a gamepad or keyboard (in VR or not), you'll need to point to a object to highlight it, then press the Grab Button/Key, and now it will be floating in front of your face, facing you. If you want to grab it while not pulling or rotating it to you, you can hold the same button for 1 second to Grab in Place. You can release it by pressing the Same Button.

When grabbing a object, you'll move it around with yourself. You can Rotate it, rotate it Sideways, bring it Closer or Farther, and even Throw it.

Inventory Menu: Spawning Objects and Games

When EmuVR starts, it will spawn a few random systems with games from your list. (You can disable that in the settings)

To spawn new system, games, or any other object, press the button to show the Inventory Menu.

When the inventory menu is enabled, laser pointers will come out of your hands (or your face, in desktop mode). You can point, and click the interface with your trigger button (Touch/Vive controllers), mouse click or gamepad A button.

There you can select a category, such as TVs, Objects, Consoles, or games sorted by console.

To spawn a new object, just point to it and press the Grab Button/Key.

If you need to delete any object, grab it, hover it inside the trash can button in the inventory menu until it's highlighted, then release it there.

Connecting Cables to Systems and TVs

Starting Games

Controlling Games

Interacting with Objects